
HomeBlog Content Why Content Writing is Important in Digital Marketing

Why Content Writing is Important in Digital Marketing

Chloe Tomkins - December 9, 2023
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Powerful content marketing is essential to developing and maintaining an audience in the age of flashy user interfaces and immersive experiences. Customer demand for content is still surging, ranging from more valuable blog content, to creative email newsletters and TikTok-style videos.

Businesses that disregard these demands will inevitably lag behind. Providing outstanding goods and services is just the beginning. The next, and possibly most crucial, stage is to market these goods and services using the appropriate messaging in the appropriate channels and at the appropriate times.

According to Edelman, 67% of consumers must trust the brand before they’ll continue buying its products or services. 

But what builds trust? Useful content that helps your audience. That’s high quality. 

The content crew here at Dandy are ready to show you why content marketing for your target audience is an absolute must for your brand. Let’s dive straight in!

What is content writing?

The process of creating, modifying, and publishing content online is known as content writing.

Blog entries, scripts for podcasts or videos, ebooks or whitepapers, press releases, product category descriptions, landing page or creative social media copy, and more can all be included in this content.

Put simply, content writers tell their brand’s story. They inspire and motivate their audience to take action, which is ultimately a final sale, by delivering messages that are informative, helpful, and meaningful.

As of 2020, 70% of marketers were actively investing in content marketing, demonstrating the importance of content development in most organisations’ marketing strategies.

This indicates that there is a greater need than ever for content writers.

6 reasons why content writing is important

Here are some reasons why written content is super important in terms of your potential customers and how they find you through search engines!

Brand Recognition

This is one of the main justifications for the significance of content writing. The promotion of the products’ and services’ value through digital channels and mediums is made possible by content writing.

What actually happens is that it aids in building your company’s brand. You can boost brand visibility and recognition with regular, excellent content writing. You are able to sell and promote your company as effectively as possible with content writing.

In order to remain at the top of your customers’ priorities in the face of fierce competition, you need to increase brand recognition.

For example, to boost brand recognition for Dandy client Future Lift Services, sharing relevant content to LinkedIn such as blog posts, reviews, service pages etc has done wonders to generate leads and most importantly from that, new clients and sales!

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Authentic Information

Since more and more people are relying on the internet for information, it is vital that you give your target audience and current clients informative and persuasive content.

Sharing valuable information with your audience is the main goal of producing excellent content. You’ll need to provide content that speaks to them, encourages confidence in them, and aids in their decision-making.

You provide your customers with plenty of resources to get information by disseminating material that is jam-packed with knowledge and enlightening.

Among many other formats, content writing can be used for blogs, articles, ebooks, and whitepapers. These types of content give your audience sharp information that encourages wiser choices.

Nothing fosters trust more than the dissemination of authentic information. Customers who become ardent supporters of your goods and services and refer them to others are making a long-term investment.

The five elements of reputable online content is an idea first put forward by Darren Rowse. He believes a content writer should focus on ‘insight, simplicity, depth, breadth and relevance.’ 

Take a look at this excerpt from a Strength Ambassadors blog post. As the article is focusing on health and science, the content writer needs to be able to back the information with research and scientific sources, therefore making the content authentic. This also helps out your SEO (search engine optimization) as Google will rank blogs higher if they contain legitimate sources.

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Search engine rankings and SEO content writing

Increasing your search engine rankings is a surefire method to gain a lot of attention and visibility. Search engines seek out content that is produced with the express purpose of giving various focus groups relevant information.

Put simply, search engines will rank your content higher than others in your niche if it satisfies the searcher’s goal. Therefore getting content writing for SEO right from the start is the best way to climb those Google search rankings!

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Well written content increases trust

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” –  Andrew Davis

Any company that hopes to survive in the long run must cultivate a trusting relationship with both its existing customers and future clients.

It takes a lot of effort to thoroughly investigate and assess your specialised market. This will facilitate the efficient creation of content for many digital platforms.

Since content writing is a creative endeavour, information cannot be disseminated across both digital and nondigital marketing platforms using the same framework.

Great Inbound Marketing Technique

One of the best methods of inbound marketing is content writing. Here, customers find you rather than you finding them on various channels because you are providing them with high-quality information.

It draws prospective buyers to your products without requiring them to visit your website or give them a try.

Because inbound content marketing removes the element of intrusion, your clients are aware that you are making honest efforts and sharing accurate information.

SEO-friendly blogs, webinars, seminars, and search engine optimised content are some of the most well-liked types of inbound marketing. Among other things, it entails adding keywords to email marketing, ebooks, and social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Customers are free to use any of them at their convenience and on their own time. Therefore, the distribution of this kind of content does not alienate customers.

Informative content gets shared

The majority of your online world visitors these days can be located on one or more digital channels, Quora, Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn, etc.

If your work is shared on these channels, you can only imagine the kind of exposure you will receive. Additionally, potential customers from several related businesses see your website.

All of this is only achievable if you provide excellent content that is widely consumed. Creating a profile of your readers and internet users will encourage them to spread your content across various digital platforms.

People in the digital sphere invariably share informative stuff because of the trend of the topic. It gives them enough mental stimulation—indeed, it even makes them feel good—that they can discuss it with friends and peers.

The New York Times conducted a study on why people share content. The five reasons were:

  • To bring valuable and entertaining content to others
  • To define ourselves to others
  • To grow and nourish our relationships
  • Self-fulfilment
  • To get the word out about causes or brands

There are numerous approaches to adding interest to the content you create. To wow your internet searcher, you can present statistics, captivating survey results, anecdotes, and even add narrative.

Content writing entails crafting a captivating piece of writing that will pique readers’ interests. In this context, an attention-grabbing title, a compelling paragraph, and effective word choice are essential.

Looking for content writing that improves organic search rankings?

These are the top six reasons why content creation is crucial for companies across all industries and verticals. Gaining an advantage over your rivals and competitors is essential.

Written content will always be an integral part of every business’s marketing plan. The most crucial element in impressing visitors and online shoppers is text combined with images, videos, case studies etc. Establishing a business’s brand positioning is no doubt due to content writing efforts.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency that can help your business stay ahead of the competition, you need look no further than Dandy!

We’re a full-service agency that offers a wide range of services, including expert SEO & content marketing packages, PPC Management and Digital Marketing Packages. We’ll work with you to create a custom marketing plan that meets your unique needs.

Contact us today or Book a FREE SEO Audit to get started!

Why content writing is important FAQs

What is the purpose of content writing?

The creation of content for web marketing is referred to as content writing. Businesses may use content to move their audience along the sales funnel by fostering positive interactions with them and attracting leads.

Why is content writing important in today’s world?

The dissemination of a product or service’s usefulness through digital channels and platforms is facilitated by content writing. In other words, it aids in building a brand for your company. You can increase awareness and brand recognition with regular, high-quality writing.

What is the value of a content writer?

In addition to offering website visitors useful information, content creation can boost traffic and enhance search engine optimisation. Well-written, educational articles can drive new traffic to your website and entice current users to come back.